To Kill a Child

This is a collaborative writing piece produced by all boys in 8G.

Is child slavery good for our world? Child slavery is where a company or individual gets a child to work or labour, many hours a day, for very little money or none at all.   Some people say child slavery is good because it helps a country or company produce cheap goods so they can capture market and make more profit. Others say child slavery should be outlawed because of the mental and physical harm it causes. In my opinion, child slavery should be illegal.

Child slavery kills! Child labourers die every minute around our world from accidents, physical abuse or suicide. According to the ILO (International Labour Organisation) each year 22,000 children die in hazardous conditions.1 This is evil!

It’s hard for child labourers to live a happy life. 115 million children live in punishing conditions. It is difficult for a child in this situation to have a good education because families don’t have enough money and they are working long hours. As a result, they are trapped in poverty. Their working conditions cause unhappiness, stress and lead to poor self-worth and mental health. Also, they are liable to have poor physical health which will probably lead to low-life expectancy.

A benefit of child slavery or labour is seen to be production of cheaper goods, allowing wealthy people to enjoy buying more for cheaper.  This is the main reason why child slavery has not been abolished. Many wealthy people, because they do not realise how many goods are produced or do not care, are actually supporting slavery in our world.

Would you like to work ten hours a day in a dusty, polluted mine that could collapse at any moment? I know that I wouldn’t, and I am a child. So, to stop children from dying or experiencing mental harm, think about the supply chain of what you buy, purchase fair-trade, raise money for charities and put pressure on governments that allow this foul, dishonest practice to linger.


  1. ILP Labour
  2. Child Slavery Video

To be able to convince and persuade others with my writing.

Success Criteria:

  1. Identify for and against positions around a range of topical issues and put forward reasons that support a point of view.
  2. Sequence and express assertions on an issue in a logical manner
  3. Express cause and effect relationships to argue a viewpoint around an issue
  4. Express written and oral arguments using the present tense
  5. Use time connectives to link ideas within an argument
  6. Use the following language devices to strengthen the persuasiveness of an argument
    1. Emotive language
    2. Rhetorical questions
    3. Repetition
    4. Strong verbs and adjectives.


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