Remember Poems. (Writing Workshop)

Part of Professional Development today was to write something...yay!
We talked a lot about our beliefs of writing - here is a pic:
We read a poem and asked what is the sense of the poem? How did she write? What are the words she used a lot of? - look for verb use.

  • To capture a memory using the 'feeling' sense mainly. 
  • To use commas to separate ideas for the reader 
  • To use ellipsis (can be used to indicate a pause in the flow of a sentence), fullstops and capital letters.

Bush Shadows

On inside rain-trapped days....

My eyes remember
Bush dark ferns, manuka trunks,
Sunlight strokes,
Shaping shadows,
My feet remember
dirt track, dust covered boots,
My face remembers
light breeze just stirring,
My body remembers
stationary silence- leaning to beauty,
My heart, my mind remembers
peaceful colours, tranquil contrasts.

Sunset dips,
Night bucket fills,
Painting black.


  1. nice i like the part where it says Sunset dips, Night bucket fills, Painting black.

  2. This is a wonderful poem that has meaning. It explains how you would feel in the bush. I really like it!

  3. This is a wonderful poem that has meaning. It explains how you would feel in the bush. I really like it!

  4. I really love this poem. You have a lot of descriptive words in there. It inspires me to keep reading.

  5. I like the 'sunset dips' part, Well Done

  6. cool picture!!!! great poem!!!!


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