
Showing posts from 2014


You think it's funny to poke out your tongue and show me your tooth paste smothered tongue, You look closely at pale skin and pop your zit, Some of you - usually the ones with longer hair, Spend forever Colouring in your lips, making black lines on eyebrows and brushing perming, brushing. I hear you practice the lie you will tell Mum, trying to see if, by looking at me, you can keep a straight face, As I reflect on humans I realise sometimes your face mirrors your heart hesitant smile, creasing frown, lip pout, other times your face lies, covering the feelings. But I always tell the truth, showing you for what you are.

Adding Details, elaborating ideas.

Today I learned to elaborate and add detail. I was given this sentence: I got out of bed this morning, had breakfast and then drove to school. 2 minutes later.... Adding details I turned over and blearily looked at my wife as she slipped out of bed on her side. I really didn't want to go anywhere, let alone to school after a weekend away in Rotorua.

Remember Poems. (Writing Workshop)

Part of Professional Development today was to write something...yay! We talked a lot about our beliefs of writing - here is a pic: We read a poem and asked what is the sense of the poem? How did she write? What are the words she used a lot of? - look for verb use. WALT: To capture a memory using the 'feeling' sense mainly.  To use commas to separate ideas for the reader  To use ellipsis (can be used to indicate a pause in the flow of a sentence), fullstops and capital letters. Bush Shadows On inside rain-trapped days.... My eyes remember Bush dark ferns, manuka trunks, Sunlight strokes, Shaping shadows, My feet remember dirt track, dust covered boots, My face remembers light breeze just stirring, My body remembers stationary silence- leaning to beauty, My heart, my mind remembers peaceful colours, tranquil contrasts. Sunset dips, Night bucket fills, Painting black.

Alive in the Storm

Image Credit: It starts with a whisper a rustle of leaves breathed on by wind, Scudding clouds arrive gusts slam branches protest, bending pain to grey black clouds. Tree fingers are broken falling pain to sodden grass. Rain knives slash from overloaded buckets driving deep into my clothes. I stand waiting for a bus, Cold, excited loving the whipped movements, the power, the storm. WALT: Learning how to write free form poetry to capture in words an experience. Criteria: One idea per line Strong vocabulary Cut small words Use commas to set the rhythm of the poem Credit pictures

Same Different

My beard stubble is grey your chin is young smooth but we all look the same to an alien. I'm taller You're shorter but we're both small in front of basketball player towers, and never ending space. I like touch rugby, thinking about God, my gorgeous wife and children, opening my eyes to new things and a thousand other likes, Your thousand passions are as different as sand grains, but we both have tastes. I hate graffiti the civil war in that country Not being able to connect with others, Your hates are as different to mine as snow flake patterns. If everyone was the same our colour would be grey and if nobody understood differences our colour would be black Can we be rainbows?

Contrasts in Time

Black cat god arches, flicks her tail, art hieroglyphics revere felines across a thousand walls, centuries years old now. -----sand hourglass time trickle----- My black cat stretches Lazy in heated sun A God of just one family Scratching the door to be let out, to be fed. The mighty Nile Seasonal Floods Rich blessings for ------generations pass------ Dairy, cropping, forests, farms Stretch patchwork across Canterbury Plains Waimakariri scatters its braids sprawling to the ocean. Yellow Sand, clay walls seared in scorching sun, Neighbours crowded water carried dry the bones ----- existences come and go----- Christchurch city wood and brick dwellings stretched over flat plains,  meandering Avon Artesian crystal clear water piped  toilets, drinking, cooking Just turn the tap. Crowned Pharaoh supreme God of Pyramid, Sand and Nile Words that command life, death ------ time moves by---------- Commands wealth Captains of industry multinationa...